Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ready to go

Well the bags are all packed and I head away in the morning. I have been amazed at the goodwill from many local people who have donated supplies for the hospital in Cap Hatien. The local pharmacies in Port Chalmers and the Gardens in North Dunedin have given dressings and the Gardens Medical Centre also donated stuff. A major surgical instrument firm, Braun gave some instruments and there is a lot of goodwill from other surgeons in Dunedin. I fly to Auckland at midday and on to Los Angeles that evening. There is a 5 hour wait for a flight to New York, then almost straight onto a flight to Santiago in the Dominican Republic where Robyn Couper will pick me up to drive the 150km to Cap Hatien in Haiti. I am not sure how the internet connections are in Haiti but I will try to update this blog at least each week till I get home on the 3rd July. It is not easy leaving Catherine and the family behind but I go confident that we are all in greater hands. Psalm 91 is a special encouragement at this time.

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